Thursday, July 28, 2011

Indonesia Gets Serious on an Asean Economic Community by 2015

I just chanced upon a Google Alert  on the "ASEAN Economic Community", which led to a website, entitled "Go Live Indonesia"!

The website describes itself as:


The project, officially launched on 25 July 2011, is to promote discussion on economic integration issues. It was prompted by the ASEAN meetings being held in Indonesia in 2011, and by the interest of the Trade Minister of Indonesia in a wider dialogue about integration.

The project has run some activities to promote discussion on economic integration collaborating with Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Australia (PPIA or Australia-Indonesia Student Association) at the University of Adelaide.


I think one has to seriously give it to these guys who are bent on popularising ASEAN in a way it has not been done before. I find it thoroughly interesting that a non-ASEAN member--that is Australia--is playing host to this idea by hosting it at University of Adelaide.

Either way, if ever there was an innovative way of popularising integration, I would like to think this is one way. I will certainly be following it, and I would like to encourage all and sundry with a keen eye for tectonic shifts on the regional stage to do same!

African integration initiatives -- as exemplified by the regional economic communities -- can definitely take a leaf out of this book!;-)

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