Tuesday, April 03, 2007

ASEAN, for Youth and Posterity's Sake

It is a given that a regional organisation without adequate communication of its effects and/or its work is a regional organisation that has failed the people. So, it’s fantastic news to read that in its fortieth year, ASEAN is encouraging no less than the youth to "learn and understand Asean's history since its formation in 1967 until what it is today"

The Malaysian ASEAN Youth and Sports Minister Azalina Othman Said maintained at the end of a Youth convention :
"the younger generation must get ready to face regional and global challenges"
. The minister also stressed the importance of learning more than one language to face the challenges of globalisation, as well as being exposed to
the diverse cultures of the people in the 10-member grouping to better understand each other.”

This is very sound advice ALL African RECs (regional economic communities) need to post in their conference rooms—not to forget the youth who will come and inherit their problems some day!!


winbald said...

I am very happy to find a link inyo your blog pointed to mine: http://winbald.noosblog.fr/ , and i will do so. I foud your blog very interesting, and the issues near to my field of research.
I wish yous all succes!

Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

winbald--many thanks!!! I am very encouraged!